Mypafway's mission is to ensure the competitiveness of auto parts industry, so that consumers have choice of auto parts, recieve quality auto parts, at competitive prices. Utilizing our website will not only help the auto parts industry, but redraw the auto parts industry structure in a way that spurs enormous growth by allowing companies to promote auto part inventory that has never before been commercially viable. Mypafway enables companies to market their auto part content through P2P and our search engine applications. We plan on positioning Mypafway as the preferred brand for comparison shopping of auto parts and accessories online; by focusing company efforts on building brand value, satisfying customers with unparalleled service, convenience and responsiveness; through state of the art applications.
Cross sell and form strategic alliances with other companies
Ship Auto Parts
Streamline and automate auto part inventory
Reach a target audience missed by other media
Generate leads, drive traffic and revenue online
Leverage technology and lower operating costs
Eliminate the traditional practice of selling through an auto parts catalogue
Ability to locate hard to find auto parts
Ability to obtain information on auto parts and pricing
Quick order taking